Click here to join the SGAS or renew your INDIVIDUAL membership

Click here to pay your INSTITUTIONAL membership/subscription

The Society for German American Studies welcomes membership applications from individuals, societies, libraries, and other organizations with an interest in German American Studies.

Member Benefits

  • Members receive the Society’s Newsletter three times a year as an email attachment in PDF format. 
  • Members underwrite the Yearbook of German American Studies and receive a notification when the latest issue of the Yearbook is available online.
  • Individual members are eligible to apply to the Albert Bernhardt Faust Research Fund and the Karl J. R. Arndt Publication Fund for support of scholarly efforts in the field of German American Studies.
  • An Annual Symposium is organized for the benefit of members and scholars in the field of German American Studies.
  • Members are eligible to submit articles for publication in the Yearbook and papers for presentation the Annual Symposium.

Memberships (except life memberships) run from January 1 to December 31. Membership payments received after November 1 will be credited toward the following calendar year. 

Membership Category Price
Student $15
Regular $30
Joint (one address) $40
Life (may be paid in 5 annual installments) $500
Institution (library, society, organization, business) $40

If you require an invoice, please contact the membership chair, Antje Petty: