SGAS Programs for the Support of Scholarly Research in German American Studies

We invite you to apply for support from three different grant programs by the deadlines stated below. Applicants will receive an acknowledgement of their application from the fund committee chair no later than seven days after they submit their application. If you do not hear back with in seven days, please contact the SGAS President. 

The Albert Bernhardt Faust Research Fund

Thanks to the generous and sustained support of Mr. Raymond A. Ehrle of Annapolis, Maryland, the Society for German American Studies has established the Albert Bernhardt Faust Research Fund. The Research Fund provides financial support for scholars conducting research in the field of German American Studies as defined by the Society. Members of the Society for German American Studies, especially younger scholars establishing their research programs, are encouraged to apply for financial support for research-related activities in the field of German American Studies, including such items as: travel expenses necessary for scholarly research; expenses connected to the duplication, organization, and storage of data; other office expenses connected to scholarly research; expenses related to the preparation of a book manuscript for publication or another means of disseminating the results of one’s research; and expenses related to the preparation of a scholarly exhibit.

Application Procedure:
Individual members of the Society for German American Studies in good standing may apply for research funds by submitting a letter of application and all supporting materials to the chair of the Faust Research Fund Committee by 15 October of a given year for consideration for an award to be made the following year. The maximum amount is $1000. Awards will be announced at the Annual Symposium.

A complete application shall consist of:

  • a current curriculum vitae;
  • a description of the project indicating its importance to German American Studies;
  • an itemized budget of projected research expenses, including additional support received or applied for;
  • two letters of support.

Applications with all supporting materials should be directed to the Committee through its current chair, Mark L. Louden ([email protected]).

The Karl J. R. Arndt Publication Fund

In 1983, as a part of the celebration of the tricentennial anniversary of German settlement in what is now the United States, the Executive Committee inaugurated a publication fund to honor Karl J. R. Arndt, a distinguished scholar in the field of German American Studies. Income from the fund is to be used to further one of the primary goals of the Society, the publication of scholarly research on the German element in the context of the culture and society of the Americas. The Arndt Fund provides publication subsidies as well as supplemental funding for the publication of the Society’s Yearbook.

Application Procedure:
Individual members of the Society for German American Studies in good standing may apply for a publication subsidy by submitting a letter of application and all supporting materials to the chair of the Arndt Publication Fund Committee by 15 October of a given year for consideration for an award to be made the following year. Publication subsidies will be considered for book-length monographs, anthologies, translations, and critical editions which adhere to the scholarly purposes of the Society for German American Studies as described its bylaws. The maximum award amount shall not exceed $3,000 or half of the publication costs for the proposed project, whichever is lower. Awards will be announced at the Annual Symposium.

A complete application shall consist of:

  • a letter requesting a publication subsidy;
  • curriculum vitae of the author;
  • table of contents and abstract of the planned monograph;
  • documentation of the publication costs to be borne by the author; and
  • three (3) letters of support from colleagues

Applications with all supporting materials should be directed to the Committee through its current chair, William Keel ([email protected]).

Symposium Grants for Graduate Students and recent PhDs

Five symposium grants of up to $1,500.00 each will be available on a competitive basis to graduate students and PhD recipients within four years of their degree whose paper proposals have been accepted for presentation at the SGAS Annual Symposium. The grants are to be used to cover registration, meals, travel and accommodations in connection with the Annual Symposium; students can request consideration for a grant on the symposium form when submitting their paper abstracts. By accepting a grant, recipients commit themselves to submitting a revised version of their paper by August 1 of the conference year for consideration as a publishable essay in the Yearbook for German American Studies. The symposium grants are made available through the Karl J. R. Arndt Publication Fund of SGAS.