The Society for German American Studies is a 501(c)3 organization founded in 1976 to promote the scholarly study of the German element in the context of culture and society in the Americas; to produce, present, and publish research findings and educational materials; and to assist researchers, teachers, and students in pursuing their interests in German American Studies.

The SGAS is governed by an Executive Committee, which is elected by the SGAS membership.

Executive Committee Officers

Marcel P. Rotter, University of Mary Washington,

Vice President
Joshua Brown, University of Wisconsin–Eau Claire, 

Timothy G. Anderson, Ohio University,

Myka Burke, German Embassy in Ottawa, Canada,

Membership Officer

Antje Petty, University of Wisconsin–Madison,

Officers in Charge of Publications

Officers at Large

Nominating Committee

The Nominating Committee seeks candidates for the annual Outstanding Achievement Award and for the biennial officer election.

Karl J.R. Arndt Publication Fund

The committee evaluates applications for financial support to publish scholarly research on the German element in the context of the culture and society of the Americas.

Albert Bernhardt Faust Research Fund

The committee evaluates applications for financial support to conduct research in the field of German American Studies as defined by the Society.

Friends of the German Historical Institute

Become a member of the the SGAS

Minutes of SGAS membership meetings (password required)

Bylaws, as revised in April 2022